Every traveler is an explorer. When that explorer is also a talented writer with an itch to share the story, readers can ride, hike, tly, glide, float, race, or meander along, partaking in the excitement of discovery in new or unexpected places. And when a gifted photographer also makes the trip, bringing back images that capture the beauty and the unique spirit of far-flung locales, the experience only gets richer.
Distinguished travel journalism first found a home in The New York Times generations ago. This book, part of the Explorer series published by The Times and TASCHEN, collects 25 articles by today's crop of fine travel writers, all focusing on the fascination of places where land and water meet. Together with the stunning photos that accompany them, they roam the planet from the Maldives to Newfoundland and from an Australian reef to the Florida Keys.
On these pages, red-hot lava hisses down into the sea on the Big Island of Hawaii. Waves crash against coastal cliffs in Wales on a drizzly day capped by a rainbow. Lemurs decorate riversides in the unique island ecosystem of Madagascar. Our literary explorers charge through it all with sharp eyes, wonder, and a sense of humor, ready to take the world on its own terms and learn from it.
You are invited to page through this book with whatever purpose suits your life. Harvest ideas for trips of your own; although this is not a guidebook, some basic guidance is included. Relish the writing and the photography. Or just flip the pages, marvel at the variety of experiences out there to be had, and dream. Every traveler is an explorer, and every explorer is a dreamer first.