What are Tumbleweeds©️?
Tumbleweeds are sustainably sourced and cruelty free wool balls made for your drying machine.
After washing your clothing, add Tumbleweeds in with the clothing headed to your machine dryer for quicker drying times and softer clothing.
For a sustainable and chemical free way to replace scented dryer sheets, use a drop or two of essential oil directly to the Tumbleweeds before adding them to your dryer.
Our entirely custom Taos Piñon essential oil blend incorporates notes of New Mexican Piñon wood with Oakmoss, Cedarwood, Pine Needles and Amber with subtle floral hints.
Each order of Tumbleweeds includes a sample bottle of Taos Piñon for your immediate enjoyment.
Tumbleweeds®️uses only sustainable sources of New Zealand wool, that is processed and hand crafted in Nepal under ethical working conditions and for fair wages.
We are proud to be cruelty free, fair trade, plastic free, zero waste and 100% organic.